Timers & Stopwatches
Display a countdown or stopwatch timer to your participants and control what happens when it runs out.
Column name: timer
Required value: time in ms or XmYs format
Optional values:
- label: Group consecutive trials that should be affected by the timer
- skip: All remaining trials of the timed trial group are skipped when the timer expires
- hide: Do not display a visible timer
- [location]: specify where the timer should be displayed using one of these parameters:
- bottomRight
- bottomLeft
- topRight (default)
- topLeft
- center
- [size]: specify the size of your timer
- s (default)
- m
- l
- xl
- stopwatch: Timer starts at 0 and counts up (default behaviour is countdown)
- [color] last [time]: Specify a highlight color for the final seconds
Example cell: